Header 1
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Header 2
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Header 3
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Header 4
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Header 5
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Header 6
Body text to show spacing for titles in content.
Large paragraph style that can be used when you want your text to be BIGGER. It's also used in some callouts.
Body text style with a link, italics, and bold for viewing purposes.
- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
QuoteAuthor Name
Title Title This is your Title
Sub TitleThis is the description text
Header 1 Style
Header 2 Style
Paragraph text
QuoteAuthor Name
- Small
- Small
- Small
- Normal
- Normal
- Normal
- Large
- Large
- Large
This is paragraph text
This is a Link- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
This is paragraph text
This is a Link- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
This is paragraph text
This is a Link- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
- standard content list style.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean finibus, justo et faucibus consequat, urna enim feugiat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean finibus, justo et faucibus consequat, urna enim feugiat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean finibus, justo et faucibus consequat, urna enim feugiat
Auto Generated ATF CSS
Pre-Run Steps:
- Make sure the list below only has the main templates in use on the site. If there are additional links, hide them in the page manager.
- The home page link should be first in order to get the CSS for the subs separated out properly.
- Make sure your HTML layout has colors.css, buttons.css, font-declarations.css & make.css as p-place="embed".
- Make sure to run in PREVIEW MODE!!!
Post-Run Steps:
- Pass it through a CSS formatter to clean up spacing (Optional, but advisable).
- Separate Mainstage CSS out into a home page specific CSS (Optional, but advisable).
- Add a separate layout for the subs, if you don't already have one, and add the subs specific CSS just to that layout.
- Remove transition CSS.
- Remove unnecessary flyout and mobile menu CSS.
- If you have an overlapping header, you'll need to add a default padding in for different screen sizes.